My Fighters
JOE DIAZ has managed, trained and been associated with many boxers. Some are well known and many are known in their local or region. All have gained much fom their association with JOE. The photos and testimonies of the fighters confirm their respect and admiration of JOE DIAZ.
The reasons why I lost fighters was because of women, drugs, gangs, alcohol and "fathers" who never fought in the ring themselves and decided they knew more than the trainer, manager and promoter who have the best interest in the fighter. Everyone is so concerned about their financial future not their son's and daughter's future. The corrupt commisioners caused the greatest loss to my gym. It has taken seven years of court proceedings to finally clear my name and start the criminal proceedings against the people who have benifited from the corruption in the Arizona Commission. It involves Peter McKinn who admitted in court before the judge to forging my name on a cash receipt, a false affitdavit with his partner Gabriel Esqueda in McKinn's lawyers office.